Length of Stay Pricing - More customization / flexibility
Avinash Kunnath
Only options right now: Offer a discount from 7 nights or one month. Maybe provide more customizability.
One potential feature: Setting discounts based on the number of nights booked (5% for two nights, 10% for 3 nights, etc.)
Also custom long-term discounts by specific month (30% off in January, 10% off in June, etc.)
Also, possibly add the functionality for long-term stay rate increases instead of just discounts from normal rates.
Fernando Lopez
This would be insane.
Currently we have to use custom rule sets across multiple OTA.
Nicholas Robinson
This is the only feature missing that prevents Wheelhouse from being 100% perfect.
Julia Mendez
This feature is key to encourage longer stays. We want to be able to adjust the price +30% if is only one or 2 nights. Any workaround to do that?
Jake Creasey
Merged in a post:
Specific amount set for specific LOS
Lussostay Company
If a guest check the rate for 2 or 3 nights he sees the normal rate, but if they check for 28 nights, for example, they see a specific rate that is already set from our end.
Drew Pierce
I agree with this, I can currently only customize my length of stay discounts (2 night discount, 3 night discount, 4 night discount, etc.) with Airbnb and direct bookings, it would be a gamechanger if I could apply this same strategy across all marketing channels that I use.
Gabe Broomfield
So is there a way to setup discounts for various lengths of stay?
Jake Creasey
Request: Maximum Prices for 1 singular night
Jake Creasey
Customer Request: Length of Stay Premiums, that way if someone were looking to stay under our Minimum Night Stay rule, they could but at an automatic premium.
Martin Poitras
It can be great to rent 2 days and give a 50% off on the third night.
Alex Kinch
100% this is broken. Let us do exactly what the airbnb app allows and set specific prices for specific months.
how has this not been fixed since 2017?
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