Show historical pricing & current booking prices in calendar/performance/strategy
Jake Creasey
Vu Huynh
Vu Huynh
Historical data is not available on the updated dashboard (where you can see all of your listings at once), but it is available at the individual listing level.
Vu Huynh
Andrew Kitchell
under review
Michael Greenberg
Avinash Kunnath - Is there an ETA on this planned feature request? Airbnb just released the ability to share calendar/rate details by night. An interesting feature, but tedious to track as there as I have not found a report to track this detail.
Ryoma Machida
We manage more than 150 listing and would love to have this feature because WH Revenue calculation is accurate and useful (they take average daily rates if the guest are staying over different months when Airbnb pay us next month).
Avinash, the reports are vital. I am floating this around, the ability to leverage your system will not be in reports and manual static setting to reach desired revenue. I think it will be in the reporting and automated revenue yield. How about connecting the C/R/A to a revenue yield. Allow me to set my rate at Conservative until I get to $1500(say my base desired income) for the month then move me to Recommend; @ 2200.00 move me to Aggressive. Basically, this will cause my rate to "work hard" to get my revenue numbers where I want them. I could evaluate previous MTM comparison of revenue and occupancy(fewer guests more money ;) ) to set my desired revenue goal. 415.993.4847 if you would like to discuss it.
John Pondoc
Customer Request:
List of all reservations that can be exported via csv to excel.
John Pondoc
Customer Request:
I was curious if I could pull up monthly performance reports? I see the annual ones but is their an option for monthly?
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