Create Custom Views for In-Context Pricing Charts
Your In-Context pricing chart located in the settings or calendar of individual listings is a powerful, visual display of your pricing settings. This chart already comes with 7 “out-of-the-box” views that surface specific settings as a “series”, including Detailed or Basic views, Pricing Engine, Last Year’s Pricing, Sets views when a listing is assigned to a Dynamic Set, and a Market view.
Today, we’ve introduced the ability to create custom In-Context views and select the series of settings you would like displayed. This allows you to see the data you care about most without needing to select each series every time you log in.

For example, you can now quickly create a custom view for any Dynamic Set + a Market. Here I have a Dynamic Set of competitive listings and the Destin market to show the 25th - 75th percentile prices.

Edit Views
You also have the ability to edit any views from the dropdown to adjust the series you’d like displayed.

Set Default Views
In addition, you can now set your preferred default view and hide any views that are not applicable to that listing so you can move way faster between charts and calendars.
For example, if the listing is not assigned to any Dynamic Set, you can easily hide the Set views. And for any custom views created, you can easily set as your default to move way faster between calendars.

We hope this continued investment in customizing your pricing views further empowers you to get quick clarity and make adjustments to optimize your pricing strategy.